Welcome to Temple of the Jedi Order

Embrace the Jedi Legacy

A man in an orange jumpsuit stands in front of a monument

Templeofthejediorder.org is a trusted name in the Star Wars community, offering exclusive domain names for avid fans and organizations. Our dedication to quality and authenticity sets us apart.

Founded with a passion for Jediism, Templeofthejediorder.org started as a pioneer in providing domain names tailored to the beliefs and values of the Jedi Order.

Our esteemed clients range from individual Star Wars enthusiasts to dedicated Jediism practitioners, all benefiting from our unique domain offerings and exceptional service.

Our Core Values

Guiding principles that define our commitment to the Jedi Order and the Star Wars community.


Embracing the true spirit of Jediism, we prioritize authenticity in all our domain offerings and services, ensuring a genuine connection to the Star Wars universe.


Fostering a sense of unity among Star Wars enthusiasts, we aim to build a supportive community through our domain names and interactions with clients and fans.


Driving innovation in the Star Wars domain industry, we constantly seek new ways to enhance the experience for our customers, leading the way with creative solutions.

Join the Jedi Order Today

Take the first step towards owning your piece of Star Wars history. May the Force be with you!

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